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Associate Member Agreement

The LIONS MANE PMA,  Life  Enhancement  Agreement- Associate Membership Agreement


Whereas I do hereby apply for associate membership in The LIONS MANE PMA  for  the following membership period  LIFETIME.   By checking agree I  accept  the offer  made  to  become an associate member of  The LIONS MANE PMA   and give my  oath that  I  am  joining  of  my  own free will and am  competent to  make  judgments  and handle my  own affairs  with no  mental handicaps. Furthermore,  I  have read and agree with the following  from  the Preamble [declaration of  purpose] and  Article the First  of  the Articles of  Organization.






We the members together and independently, serving the people, hereby establish a private  membership association/organization in the name of The LIONS MANE PMA . In a quest to  accomplish and attain the purposes of health, education, happiness, sharing of wisdom, beauty  and  freedom for all people, the Articles of Organization are hereby established for the private  membership association, and





1.1 Name


The name of the Association shall be The “ LIONS MANE PMA ”, (hereinafter referred  to as “the Association ”), and



The following goals of the Association shall be but not limited to:

A. To bring health,  beauty,  happiness and freedom for all people through just claims for individual rights, property and individual responsibility, and


B. Financial, Harvesting and Health Independence, and


C. To advocate for the improvement of the wisdom of all people though membership and exchange of quality service to mankind, and


D. To engage in such other activities as may be deemed necessary and proper to further the objectives of the Association, within the limitations prescribed by the Articles of Association and all applicable laws, statutes, regulations, rules, and Articles of professional behavior. Any and all other objectives and by-laws shall be listed in the Article of Association attached to these Articles of Organization, and



WHEREAS,  the  people are free  and have the right  to  contract  and the freedom of  association,  the  nature of  our activities are in the private domain only.


WHEREAS,  the  Trustees  do have the right  to  cancel or  terminate memberships at  any time.


WHEREAS,  the  Association will recognize  any person who is  in accordance with the above mentioned principles and policies  and provide them  an atmosphere where he or  she may  be  able to  give their little one(s)  the ability to  express themselves  through exercise, education,  and  be able to  share their ideas on how to  enhance that  experience.


WHEREAS,  the  members purpose is  to  provide the associate members with responsible  access  to  immunity boosting, educational, health  and beauty  enhancing  activities and other such purposes. Activities


WHEREAS,  I  understand that  The LIONS MANE PMA  will provide me with programs  and opportunities to  engage in health  and beauty  enhancement activities as  well as  social interactions that  bring joy in order to  act  as  life enhancement and  healthy mental conditioning  for  those of  like belief  and faith,  for  me and/or my  little one(s).


WHEREAS,  I  understand that  some elements of  health enhancement and education may  be  outside of  the control of  the Association and may  be affected by  “Acts  of  God,”  or  problems with  access.


WHEREAS,  I  understand that  health enhancing  and social activities can give positive mental  experiences and bring people little ones together,  yet  in all atmospheres there is  a chance of  injury  or unthought of  mishaps, and  you agree  to  hold The LIONS MANE,  PMA  and any  members harmless.  You agree  to  use these services and any programs at  your own risk.


WHEREAS,  you,  as  an associate member,  agree to  notify  the membership if  you are seeing any negative effects  or  if  you're having any problems with activities. 



WHEREAS, the Lifetime Membership dues are included in first time purchase of  services and or products.


I do hereby set my hand, understand, and agree to all the terms and provisions of of associate membership in The LIONS MANE PMA








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